Aquaculture Studies 2024, Vol 24, Num, 4     (Pages: AQUAST1878)

Isolation, Identification, and Biofloc Production: Potential of Floc-Forming Bacteria Using a Novel Monoculture Approach and Medium

Khadem Hussain Saeedi 1-2 ,Manjulatha Chapara 2

1 Zoology Department, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India & Senior Teaching Assistant, Biology, Kandahar University, Afghanistan
2 Zoology Department, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
DOI : 10.4194/AQUAST1878 Viewed : 964 - Downloaded : 750 Biofloc is one of the suitable alternatives for decreasing food costs and increasing the immunity of cultured organisms against pathogens and diseases. This research aims to isolate, identify, and screen bioflocculant bacterial candidates to optimize practices for enhanced water quality management. Twelve bacteria were obtained from incubated shrimp pond water. These bacteria were tested for their ability to produce biofloc using a newly developed combination of Biofloc Standard Mineral Water (BSMW) and Biofloc Standard Medium (BSM) in a laboratory setting, utilizing an Imhoff cone. A novel medium was used for the first time for identifying biofloc-producing bacteria. Strain KBF-103 exhibited rapid biofloc production within 24 hours, making it suitable for pond water application. Strain KBF-103 was identified using molecular via 16S rRNA sequencing and shows a close relation with the Bacillus cereus strain. Keywords : Pathogen Biofloc Bacteria Bacillus Aquaculture