Aquaculture Studies
2012, Vol 12, Num, 3 (Pages: 018-023)
Consumer Behaviours for Seafood in Ordu Province
1 Ordu University, Faculty of Marine Sciences, 52400, Fatsa, Ordu, TURKEY
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In this study, it was aimed to put forward seafood consumption behaviors and socioeconomics of local people in Ordu Province
which is located on the coast of Black Sea in 2012. Within this scope, face to face interviews were conducted with the randomly
selected individuals. 72.4 % of the respondents were male whereas, 26.6% of the respondents were female. Ages of respondents
were varied between 17 and 63. 55.2% of the respondents had university degree and 21.8% of the respondents had high school
degree. According to the results regarding occupation of the respondents, government officials constitute the majority with a
share of 26.4%. It was determined that 8% of the respondents do not consume seafood while 92% of the respondents indicated
that they consume. It was also determined that yearly individual seafood consumption was 26.3 kg. Fish species was determined
as top consumed seafood. It was also found that 73.2% of the respondents consume daily fresh seafood. 79% of the respondents
also prefer seafood selling points. The most consumed fish species were anchovy which was generally preferred as fried by
53.6% of the respondents.
Keywords :
Seafood, consumer behavior, face to face interview, Ordu, Black Sea