Aquaculture Studies
2013, Vol 13, Num, 3 (Pages: 039-045)
Using of Electronic Nose and Computer Vision Systems on Evaluation of Freshness of Fishery Products
2 Çukurova Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Bölümü, 01130, Balcalı, Adana DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v2013i21904.235416 Viewed : 3945 - Downloaded : 2663 Freshness factor in the fishery products is always in the foreground in terms of processing and consumption. Increasing of the consumption of fishery products carries with health and safety issues. For this purpose, rapidly and accurately measuring of fishery products' quality has become more important. Besides, using of computerized systems to determine the physical quality fishery products (size, shape, color) eleminates subjectivity. This review is aimed to examine the using of electronic nose and computer vision systems on determination of variety quality characteristics of fishery products. Keywords : Electronic nose, computer vision systems, seafood safety