Aquaculture Studies
2014, Vol 14, Num, 2 (Pages: 065-069)
Usage Of Automation in Fish Feeding
İlhan Olcay PERVİN 1 ,Merve AYDINER 1 ,Ahmet Kaan KARAMANOĞLU 1 ,Çağdaş GÖKTEPE 1 , Can SOĞANCI 1 , Ali Yıldırım KORKUT 1 ,Aysun KOP 1
1 Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Yetiştiricilik Bölümü, 35100, Bornova/İZMİR
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In this study, the integration and usage of automation in fish feeding through the aquaculture which is the fastest growing
nutritional sector was investigated. The aims and aids of using automation were also studied. Furthermore from simple
systems to the complicated systems those are used in both hatcheries and seafarms, many fish feeding methods were
explained. It is concluded that the systems for feeding automation provides the optimal feed utilization and ability to
observe and measure the water quality and fish behaviours to the feed. The subject is important for the fish farms
especially those make intensive production on offshore seas or fresh waters.
Keywords :
Aquaculture, fisheries, fish nutrition, barge