Aquaculture Studies
2015, Vol 15, Num, 1 (Pages: 011-021)
The current state of fisheries cooperatives in elazig province
İlhan CANPOLAT 1 ,Erdem MEMİSOGLU 1 ,Selahattin GÜRÇAY 1 ,Nevim BİRİCİ 1 ,Gülden ARISOY 1
1 Elazıg Su Ürünleri Arastırma İstasyonu Müdürlügü, ELAZIG
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This study is carried out between the date of 2013-2014 in order to determine the current status of fisheries cooperatives
that engaged in capture fisheries in Elazıg Province. Research is formed data obtained by surveys and face to face
interviews between 15 presidents of fisheries cooperatives that hunting activities in Keban, Karakaya, Kralkızı Dam
Lake and Hazar Lake. Survey forms include questions related to the names of fisheries cooperatives, founding years,
whether they are active, the number of boats and fisherman, the names of hunting fields, areas, parcel number and rental
status.As a result, 11 fisheries cooperatives and 214 fishermen due to the these cooperatives and 126 boats have been
found to be in Keban Dam Lake. Cooperatives were established between the date of 1974-1999 and 9 cooperatives are
active, 2 cooperatives are working half actively. Total hunting area is 30,530 hectares, 9 hunting areas are rented by
cooperative and 2 hunting area are rented by individuals is determined. In Karakaya Dam Lake, 2 fisheries cooperatives
and 24 fishermen due to these cooperatives and 24 boats have been found. Cooperatives were established between the
date of 1989-1990 and 2 cooperatives are working half actively. Total hunting area is 12.400 hectares, 2 hunting area are
rented by individuals is determined. In Kralkızı Dam Lake, one fisheries cooperative and 24 fishermen due to this
cooperative and 7 boats have been found. Cooperative was established in 2000 and cooperative is out of service. Total
hunting area is 920 hectares and hunting area is not rented by cooperative is determined. In Hazar Lake, one fisheries
cooperative and 10 fishermen due to this cooperative and 7 boats have been found. Cooperative was established in 2001
and cooperative is working half actively. Total hunting area is 8600 hectares and hunting area is rented by individual is
Keywords :
Cooperative, Hunting, Fishermen, Boat, Dam Lake, Survey