Aquaculture Studies
2016, Vol 16, Num, 3
The Effects of Size Grading on Growth Performance of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Floating Cage Condition
Mustafa ÖZ 1 ,Orhan Tufan Eroldoğan 2 ,Suat DİKEL 3
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In the study, the effects of size grading on growth of rainbow trout in cage condition was examined. Two different test groups were made and after 75 days of daily diets the fattening performance value was analyzed. In the research, the graded group (S) was formed with small fish (72.14±3.48 g) while the other group (L+S) was formed with 80 % of small fish (71.04±1.10 g) and 20% of large fish (151.8±8.14 g). At the end of the study, the average weight of K group was found as (203.52±16.20 g); on the other hand in the group (L+S) the average weight of small fish was determined as (185.13±21.77 g) and the large ones as (223.25±28.00 g). Also feed conversion ratio in group S (1.61±0.052) was found lower than the other group (2.17±0.039). As a result of the study it was found that small fish in the same graded group grew more and feed conversion rate were better. Therefore, the growth performance of trout has been affected adversely by 20 % of large fish in the group (L+S).
Keywords :
Trout, Size Grading, Cage Aquaculture