Aquaculture Studies 2016, Vol 16, Num, 3

The Effects of Different Protein Sources on Protease Activity of Siberian Sturgeon (Acipencer baerii Brandt 1869) Juveniles


DOI : 10.17693/yunus.66485 Viewed : 3217 - Downloaded : 1859 In the present study, the effect of feeding regime on condition coefficients and the inhibitory effects of different protein sources on early life proteases of Siberian sturgeon juveniles were in vitro tested. Feeding with live prey and transition period to artificial feed significantly affected the condition coefficients (p<0.05). In the study, the minimum inhibitory effect were obtained from soybean protein concentration (14.45±1.58%) and fish meal (15.34±3.85%). Also, the highest inhibitory effect was obtained from soy bean meal (63.33±4.71%) and blood meal (66.67±8.02%). The enzyme activity was relatively affected higher by dual combinations between fish meal and soybean meal (1:1) (31.85±10.50 %)(p<0.05). Keywords : A. baerii, protease activity, protein sources, inhibition effect