Aquaculture Studies
2023, Vol 23, Num, 1 (Pages: AQUAST909)
Salinicoccus hispanicus (OL638305), a potential probiotic isolated from Saline Tilapia Greenwater, exhibits Vibrio parahaemolyticus killing activity and prevents acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease in Penaeus vannamei
Emelyn Joy Mameloco 1 ,Rowena Cadiz 1 ,Rex Ferdinand Traifalgar 1
1 Institute of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines
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The present study investigates the probiotic potential and inhibitory activity of Salinicoccus hispanicus, isolated from saline tilapia culture water, against Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Results showed that the isolate is not pathogenic to Penaeus vannamei when administered orally at a dose of 106 cfu g-1 diet. Dietary supplementation for 45 days did not affect growth, reduced the gut content of V. parahaemolyticus to about five-folds and protected the shrimp against V. parahaemolyticus infection following a pathogen challenge test. Supplementation of S. hispanicus at 106 cfu g-1 diet can inhibit V. parahaemolyticus gut colonization and protects P. vannamei against this pathogen.
Keywords :
Probiotics Vibriosis Shrimp disease Salinoccocus