Aquaculture Studies
2017, Vol 17, Num, 4
Comparison of The Amount of Special Consumption Tax-Free Fuel (Without Sct) and The Amount of Fishery Consumed in Marine Fishery
Erhan ÇİLOĞLU 1 ,İlhan YANDI 1
1 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, Turgut Kıran Denizcilik Fakültesi, 53900, Rize, Turkey
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In the 10-years period, between 2007 and 2016, Turkey`s exclusive economic zone (the Black Sea, the Marmara, the Aegean and the Mediterranean), it was examined the amount of SCT fuel bought by fishing vessels from a total of 10.924 SCT fuel points, then the amount of fuel subvention to fishing vessels and their fishery landings were investigated. As the amount of SCT fuel (tons) – the amount of subvention (₺) - amount of fishery landings (tons), respectively; It was calculated 273.098 tons - 427.239.647 ₺ - 3.113.476 tons for the Black Sea, 232.951 ton - 356.733.841₺ - 387.840 tons for the Marmara, 172.072 tons - 265.278.577 ₺ - 378.133 tons for the Aegean and 152.382 tons - 228.406.677 ₺ - 211.819 tons for the Mediterranean. From the entire fishery areas, the total amount of 830,503 tons fuel was consumed for a total of 4,091,268 tons of fishery landings. The average quantity of fishery landing obtained per liter of fuel was calculated 9.58 kg for the Black Sea, 1.40 kg for the Marmara, 1.85 kg for the Aegean and 1.17 kg for the Mediterranean. Comparing the kg fishing landing obtained per liter of the fishing areas by year, it was found that there was a significant difference (P <0.05) between the areas in all years except for the year of 2016. This difference was due to the fact that the amount of product obtained in the Black Sea was considerably higher than the other areas. In the ten years period, the monetary value of the fishing landings from all of Turkey`s exclusive economic zone was calculated to be 10.560.952.248₺
Keywords :
Fishery, Landings, Fuel subvention, Exclusive economic zone