Aquaculture Studies
2018, Vol 18, Num, 1 (Pages: 51-56)
Rotary Drum Filter Effectiveness in Suspended Solids Removal from Trout Farm Discharges - A Case Report
Mehmet Ali Turan Koçer 1 ,Faruk Pak 1 ,Özgür Aktaş 1 ,Hatice Oruç 1 ,Ramazan Uysal 1
1 Mediterranean Fisheries Research, Production and Training Institute, Antalya, Turkey
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Utilization of micro-screen filters for mitigation of aquaculture impacts on
receiving water bodies has been widened in recent years. However, there are
limited practical data on treatment efficiencies of rotary drum filters (RDF) in farms
with high production capacities and flow rates. The present study aimed to assess
effluent suspended solids treatment efficiencies of RDFs with 200 µm mesh size in
8 flow-through rainbow trout farms. The average concentrations of total
suspended solids (TSS) were between 2.6±1.1 mg/L and 6.0±4.3 mg/L in farm outlet
waters. The average treatment efficiencies of RDFs for total suspended solids were
between 18 and 32%, while they were between 28 and 53% for farm-derived
suspended solids. Treatment efficiency of RDFs did not relate linearly to inlet and
outlet total suspended solids concentrations as well as farm-derived suspended
solids (FSS) (P>0.05). The results indicate that relatively low TSS concentrations
resulting from rainbow trout aquaculture in flow-through farms can reduce
treatment efficiency of RDFs. The study also shows that the average treatment
efficiency of RDFs with a mesh size of 200 µm in removal of FSS may reach up to
Keywords :
Aquaculture, Effluent, Suspended solids, Micro-screen, Treatment efficiency