Aquaculture Studies
2012, Vol 12, Num, 2 (Pages: 007-016)
The Black Sea Trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811)'s Embryonic Development Stages
Şirin FİRİDİN 1 ,Eyüp ÇAKMAK 1 ,Nilgün AKSUNGUR 1
1 Su Ürünleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, P.K.129, Şana, Trabzon
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In this study, the Black Sea trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811)'s dry method, fertilization and embryonic development
following fertilization in the eggs of the larvae was to examine the morphological evolution. In this study five females and five
males were used for breeding hatchery Black Sea trout origin. In the broodstock selection for fish are preferred close to each
other in terms of size, weight and egg diameters. In the study, an experiment group which are weighted 400 g and a control group
which is weighted 274 g are used. Egg diameters were measured 0.51±0.01cm in average, the sampling process has a total of 94
days. Sampling procedure before fertilization, after fertilization and after being fertilized for 24 hours each day. The second for
24 hours with four hours of sampling were made at the same time each day in the subsequent days are to be examples. Example
of at least 5 eggs fixative solution was waiting for. Thus, in embryonic tissue and preventing unwanted formation of disorders of
tissue structure has been retained in the most efficient manner. Then the image under the microscope with a computer linked to
larval development was followed. The examples of eggs before being fertilized, the out of the embryonic development and
larval stages until the first feed at the phase changes detected by the image has been recorded. In this study, the fertilization rate
of 96.53%, eyein grate of 96% and hatching rate of 94% was identified as survival rate of 79% until nutrients accompletely
exhausted. From free-swimming stage to fertilization the all stages were collected at the six phases.
Keywords :
Salmo trutta labrax, Development, gastrula, somitogenesis