Aquaculture Studies 2013, Vol 13, Num, 4     (Pages: 015-019)

The Determination of Biochemical Characteristics of Crab, Eriphia verrucosa (Forsskal, 1775), Reproduction

Asiye DEMIRBAŞ 1 ,Bora EYÜBOĞLU 2 ,Birol BAKI 1 ,Merve SARIIPEK 1

1 Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Sinop Üniversitesi, Sinop, Türkiye
2 Meslek Yüksekokulu, Sinop Üniversitesi, Sinop, Türkiye
DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v2013i21903.235408 Viewed : 2765 - Downloaded : 2063 In this study, aimed to determine biochemical characteristic of Eriphia verrucosa at spawning period relish thus consumed by the local community. Randomly133 samples were collected with a depth of 1-6 m in the Karakum Sinop made diving the sea coastal areas from April to August. The samples, in order to determine the properties of biometric to be marked, measured respectively brand of RADWAG WLC3/A1 a sensetive balance weight, carapace lenght with digital calipers. The analyses of the meats crude protein, crude fat, crude ash and dry matter have been made by seperating the edible parts such as claws, legs and carapaces in order to determine their nutrient composition montly. The samples determined as the avarage live weight and carapace lenght by month respectively 141.2±6.3 g and 57.9±1.0 mm in April; 126.6±9.5 g and 56.3±1.3 mm in May; 92.2±7.1 g and 50.8±1.2 mm in June; 91.4±6.3 g and 50.7±1.2 mm in July; 96.9±10.6 g and 52.2±2.0 mm in August. As a result of the biochemical parameters have been identified in the dry matter of the value crude protein %19.4±0.6 to25.8±1.4; of the value of crude fat %0.4±0.1-1.5±0.0. In this study were determined values of crude protein and crude fat differ significantly of monts (p<0.005); the level crude protein increased from April to June, decreased from June to August and values of crude fat irregular varies of mounts. Keywords : Sinop, Eriphia verrucosa, crabs, biometrical, biochemical