Aquaculture Studies 2014, Vol 14, Num, 2     (Pages: 015-022)

The Determination of Meat Yield and Biochemical Composition of Prussian Carp, (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) in the Çýldýr Lake

Büket Buşra (GÖZÜ) DAĞTEKİN 1 ,Özden BAŞTÜRK 2

1 Su Ürünleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, 61250, Yomra-Trabzon
2 Mersin Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Yenisehir Kampüsü C Blok, 33169, Mersin
DOI : 10.17693/ Viewed : 3223 - Downloaded : 2275 This study was carried out to determine the meat yield and biochemical composition of prussian carp, which enters subsequently to Çıldır Lake increased rapidly in there and threatening due to the competition of other species in the lake, obtained from Çıldır Lake. In this study was used the average length of 20.83±0.03 cm and the average weight of 149.52±0.89 g of 51 prussian carp which caught from Çıldır Lake. The weight rate of head, viscera, fins, skin, carcass and meat of prussian carp according to total weight were calculated as %24.79±0.04; %14.24±0.59; %11.55±0.24; %10.34±0.35; %12.14±0.24 and %23.87±0.39 respectively. The average water content, protein, fat and ash were determined to be %76.57±0.01; %16.89±0.02; %1.59±0.02 and %1.08±0.01 respectively. Keywords : Invasive species, Carassius gibelio, Meat Yield, Biochemical Composition