Aquaculture Studies 2014, Vol 14, Num, 4     (Pages: 021-028)

The Identification of Some Hematological Parameters and Non-Spesific Immune Respond in Cyprinion macrostomus (Heckel, 1843) Living in Kangal (Sivas) Balıklı Çermik Thermal Hot Spring and Topardıç Stream (Sivas)

Selçuk DUMAN 1 ,Aysel ŞAHAN 2

1 Çukurova Üniversitesi, İmamoglu Meslek Yüksekokulu, Su Ürünleri Bölümü,01700, İmamoglu, Adana
2 Çukurova Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, 01330, Balcalı-Sarıçam, Adana
DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v2014i21954.235727 Viewed : 3647 - Downloaded : 2736 In this research, spotted carp,Cyprinion macrostomus Heckel, 1843 (known as doctor fish) which live in Balıklı Çermik Thermal Hot Spring and Topardıç Stream (involving the spa water) in Kangal county of Sivas city were studied. Haematological and non-specific immune parameters of fish in both environments were compared as between environments and also as summer and winter . Erythrocyte (RBC), leukocyte (WBC), Hb, Hct, monocyte, neutrophil, phagocytic activity values were determined increase during the summer and decrease during the winter in Topardıç stream. Due to the constant for each season of water temperature in pools, it were not identified any changes in the blood parameters of fish living in pools. While the lymphocyte, MCVand MCH values of Cyprinion macrostomus increasing in winter and decrease in summer were observed in the stream. It wasn't found any changes in MCHC level. It couldn't been finded any differences in both summer-winter and environmental in eosinophil cell amounts. With the increase of water temperature in the water increase microbial activity, decreased oxygen levels, increased metabolic activity and energy requirement has been interpreted as a major cause of these changes. In this study, the effects of different habitats on hematology and non specific immünology of Cyprinion macrostomus as the differences between summer and winter were determined. Keywords : Spotted Carp Cyprinion macrostomus, Sivas Kangal Balıklı Çermik, Heamatology, Non-Spesific Immunity