Aquaculture Studies 2015, Vol 15, Num, 1     (Pages: 083-089)

A Preliminary Assessment About Some Problems in The Coast Guard and Fisheries Field Which Occurred Between Turkey and Neighboring Countries in Recent Years

Kadir Bülent TEBER 1 ,Süleyman ÖZDEMİR 2

1 Sinop Üniversitesi Rektörlügü, 57000 Korucuk -Sinop
2 Sinop Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, 57000 Akliman-Sinop
DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v15i21955.235747 Viewed : 3310 - Downloaded : 2676 Boundaries started to appear as well as within the sea areas the territorial boundaries, with international law and law of the sea that it be termed sub-branches within the framework of the sovereignty of countries which evolving the last two centuries. On the development of law and the sovereignty of the states of the Seas are subject to the limits in the sea, except for the control of law enforcement in the formation of naval forces laid the groundwork. This is the beginning of the many state law enforcement officers within the `Coast Guard` organizations established states, territorial waters and exclusive economic zones, fishing, transport, such as the control of commercial activities mainly transferred to these institutions. This study aims to show the concept of the coast guard, duties and powers of Turkish Coast Guard and problems of Turkish fishermen which occur both our country and other countries security services. In the present study, events between Turkish fishermen and 7 neighbor coast guards were investigated. Total 21 events were established between 2007-2011 years and all events occurred in the Black Sea. Some suggestions were presented to prevent recurrence of such incidents in the study. Keywords : Fisheries, territorial waters, fishing vessel